The following drift seeds are from the shores of Mexico, accessible via your stay at the "Mayan Beach Garden" in Jardin, Playa Maya. (Also see their sea-bean page: Beach combing, Sea-Beans and other Beach Treasures) This resort is located in Mexico's Costa Maya, Mahahual/Majahual area: the southern Yucatan coastal region of the Mexican Caribbean that extends from the border of the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve in the north to Belize in the South. A comprehensive checklist of sea-beans from this area isn't available. Therefore, what is presented is a few pictures from beaners who have visited this area so that you may get an impression of what is easily available. ENJOY! |
"That pile of beans was the result of approx 3½ days beaning along the coastline just north of Mayan Beach and in the Sian Ka’an Preserve." See: The Beach 'Basura' Adventure. The Drifting Seed 15(3):8-10; Dec. 2009. "We left hundreds of beans on the beach – I culled out everything that didn’t appeal and only brought back my favorites." --- Sherri Bryant See also: Cruise Ship Sea-Beaning the Yucatan Peninsula. The Drifting Seed 18(3):17; Dec. 2012. |
Sea-Beans by Location: Mayan Beach Gardens, Mahahual Mexico ALL web pages © www.seabean.com --- All rights reserved. ALL photos © www.seabean.com or other photographers individually credited. Use of ANY photo without written permission is prohibited! |