Mucuna elliptica
The Thick-Banded Mucuna
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stipel is a secondary
stipule situated at the base of the
petiolules of the
leaflets of a compound leaf.
Note that the very similar species,
Mucuna pseudoelliptica lacks stipels.
Mucuna spp., the leaves are trifoliate, i.e., there are 3
leaflets (2 paired, 1 unpaired) comprising each
Below are images of the base of the paired and unpaired
leaflets, showing the
stipels at the base of each
petiolule of each leaflet.
Each photo is "clickable" to view a higher resolution image.

Base of the unpaired leaflet of
Mucuna elliptica, showing presence of stipels.

Base of the paired leaflets of
Mucuna elliptica, showing presence of stipels.