Unidentified Sea-Beans
The following speckled sea-bean was collected by Mary in West Palm Beach,
Florida USA
Is this simply a "different-looking"
Dioclea reflexa?

This bean was found beached, preparing to sprout.
Note the hilum being pushed outward from the body of the seed... unzipped!
This similar, but non-speckled seed was collected in the West Palm Beach area, 7/24/2005
The speckled seed was planted

Sprout shown above is 2.5 inches tall on 5/22/2007.
The stem is NOT (yet) hairy as in Dioclea reflexa.
Growth Chart
5/09/2007 found beached
5/12/2007 planted
5/20/2007 sprouted
5/22/2007 photographed (left); 2.5 inches tall
5/23/2007 6:30 am; 4.25 inches tall
5/23/2007 9:00 pm; 6.50 inches tall (photographed)
1.38 inches, tip to bract base
5/24/2007 6:00 pm; 8.25 inches tall
1.88 inches, tip to bract base
5/24/2007 9:00 pm; 11.25 inches tall
3.50 inches, tip to bract base
5/25/2007 9:00 pm; 16.25 inches tall
7.0 inches, tip to bract base
0.75 inches, tip to 2nd/new bract base
Growth rate is about 5 inches per day

Speckled seed sprout tip, 5/23/2007, 9:00 pm; height = 6.5 inches.

5/23/2007, 9:00 pm; Distance from tip to rightmost edge of "leaf bract"(?) is 1 and 3/8 inches.

Speckled seed sprout tip, 5/25/2007, 9:00 pm; height = 16.25 inches.
For an image showing more of the stem, click on above photo or
The leaf bract shown in the 5/23/07 photos is now 7 inches back from the growing tip.
The leaf bract you see in this 5/25/07 photo is new and is 0.75 inches from the growing tip.
Here's several views of another "
Butterscotch Dioclea" specimen (29.3 x 26.8 x 19.4 mm)
found on the beach of North Hutchinson Island, Fort Pierce, Florida USA; Oct. 9, 2011
A few more photos of a Butterscotch
Dioclea, collected from Bahia Honda Key, Florida, USA; February 2016.
Photos: Kathy Wood