Generally, seed abundance on beaches can be correlated with the production of seeds at their source. As vines and other seed-bearing flora attempt to reproduce, they drop their seeds. This event varies, depending upon the variety of plant and where it is located. Although some seeds germinate and form new plants, many seeds fall directly into flowing waters of rivers and streams and are washed downstream into the oceans. Some seeds that fall onto dry ground may later be swept away by rising flood waters of adjacent rivers and ultimately follow the same fate of ending up in the ocean. Knowing the time of these events on distant shores and in distant jungles, while knowing the pace of oceanic surface currents, one can approximate the time of arrival of certain seeds (and their abundance) on your particular favorite location for beachcombing. All that said, and with sea-beans in the oceanic currents, to get them to wash ashore in higher numbers takes a good onshore wind for several days.
In Eastern Florida, USA, the ability to find drift seeds on the beach is affected by a number of conditions. The prevailing winds perhaps being the most dominant condition affecting abundance. With an East wind (i.e., wind from the east), the winds affect floating objects and blow them westward toward Florida's eastern shore. The best time of year for this to begin to occur is in October, but it continues throughout the winter. Note, however, that sea-beans can be found throuthout the year, but are simply much more abundant at some times of the year. Hurricanes are also an important event which can substantially increase the number of sea-beans available. Note: |
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