Links to Selected "Featured Articles"
Armstrong, W.P. 1998. Unusual drift fruit from Costa Rica. 4(2):7-8.
Armstrong, W.P. 2001. Notes on the ocean dispersal of Coral Beans. 7(1):5-6.
Armstrong, W.P. 2005. Charles Darwin and Driftseeds. 11(3):2-4.
Armstrong, W.P. 2007. Do Pearls Come From Coconuts? 13(1):13-17.
Beerensson, J.L. 2001. Fossil Ghost Crabs. 7(1):3.
Beerensson, J.L. 2001. More on Fossil Ghost Crabs. 7(3):5.
Beerensson, J.L. 2003. Fossil sand dollars found on the beaches of Brevard County, Florida. 9(1):8.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2006. The Black Sea Biscuit. 12(1):16.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2006. The Quarter-Pounder Bean. 12(2):10.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2006. The Nirvana Bean. 12(3):10.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2007. Starnuts and Lake-Beans. 13(2):12.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2007. The Biggest Sea Purse. 13(2):13.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2007. The Brain Bean. 13(3):8.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2007. The Brown Coralbean. A.K.A. The What?, Where?, Did I Miss It? Bean 13(3):9.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2008. The Biggest Mary's Bean. 14(1):12.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2009. The Giant Bay-Bean. 14(3):9.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2009. Hearts Gone Wild. 14(3):10.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2009. Wood-Rose or Moonflower? ...that is the question! 15(1):3.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2009. How big is your Porcupine? 15(1):5.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2009. The Lantern Tree. 15(1):4.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2009. How Big is Your Brownie? ...and While We're at it, How Big is Your Yellow Fellow? 15(2):9.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2009. How Big is Your Smallest? 15(3):3.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2010. Interaction Between Species. 16(1):5.
Beerensson, J.[L.] 2012. Beaning with Michele Kelley. 18(1):4.
Beerensson, J.[L.] and Steve Uhl. 2012. Cruise Ship Sea-Beaning the Yucatan Peninsula. 18(3):17.
Bernstein, S. 2006. The Snake that Charmed the Beaner. 12(2):6.
Bernstein, S. 2006. October Beananza: A Bonanza of Sea Beans. 12(3):9.
Bernstein, S. 2007. A Leatherback's Sojourn: The Palm Beach Sea Story. 13(1):2-3.
Bernstein, S. 2008. The Original Seed Beads. 14(1):8-10.
Bernstein, S. 2012. Drift Sea Menagerie & Sweet Beauxregard the Green Anole. 18(1):18-19.
Blazek, W. 2002. Bill Blazek's recipe for polishing Manicaria. 8(3):7-8.
Blazek, W. 2002. Keeping records on a Florida beach. 8(3):8-9.
Boykin, C. 2003. Sea-Beans on a Silver Platter (Beaning Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula). 9(3):15-17.
Boykin, C. 2004. The Hamburger Bean (Mucuna sloanei), A Native Plant of South Florida: Hamburgers in Paradise. 10(2):9-10.
Boykin, C. 2004. A Coco-de-mer for Ed Perry. 10(3):14.
Bradley, D. 2005. The Ukedama Man. 11(2):11.
Bryant, S. 2009. The Beach 'Basura' Adventure. 15(3):8-10.
Bryant, S. 2012. A Sea Tale. 18(1):2-3.
Cadee, G.C. 1997. Tropical drift disseminules from the coast of the Netherlands. 3(2):3-4.
Cadee, G.C. 1999. The Sea-coconut Manicaria saccifera, a new tropical drift seed from the Dutch coast. 5(3):13-14.
Cadee, G.C. 2000. Seeds and plants of Lathyrus japonicus subsp. maritimus on the Dutch coast. 6(2):6-7.
Cadee, G.C. 2000. A small collection of seeds from the beach of Djibouti. 6(3):6-9.
Cadee, G.C. 2004. Mysterious Floating Grains. 10(3):17.
Cadee, G.C. 2005. Riddle of mysterious floating grains solved! 11(2):5-6.
Cadee, G.C. 2007. Avocado Seed from the Dutch Coast. 13(1):6-7.
Cadee, G.C. 2007. Why are most Terminalia catappa fruits in Europe found on Dutch coasts? 13(2):2-3.
Cadee, G.C. 2007. Unidentified fruits from the Dutch coast. Who can help? 13(3):10.
Cadee, G.C. 2008. Invasion of Sea Pea Seeds on the Dutch Coast. 14(1):5-6.
Cadee, G.C. 2008. Pine Cones from the North Sea Bottom. 14(2):2-3.
Cadee, G.C. 2009. Prioria mannii from th Dutch Beach, Identification Solved, Mystery Remains. 15(1):11-12.
Cadee, G.C. 2011. Flotation Experiments with Sea Kale Fruits (Carambe maritima L.). 17(1):7-9.
Cadee, G.C. 2012. Tropical (drift) Seeds on a Flemish Painting of 1617. 18(2):2-3.
Cadee, G.C. 2015. Shea Nut on Dutch Coast. 21(2):2-3.
Cadee, G.C. and H. Brugge. 2006. Drift Fruits Transported by Pipeline to Texel's Beach. 12(3):2.
Cadee, G.C. and M. Cadee. 2011. Acromia sp., a Prickly Palm Seed from Tenerife (Canary Islands).. 17(2):8-9.
Cadee, G.C., R. Cappers and J. van Gent. 2007. The First Cassia fistula L. from the Netherlands. 13(3):13.
Cadee, G.C. and S. Dijksen. 1999. Mucuna and Dioclea from Lanzarote (Canary Islands). 5(1):12-13.
Cadee, G.C. and S. Dijksen. 2004. Large variation in size of Entada seeds from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. 10(1):3-4.
Cadee, G.C., R. van der Ham and W. Kruiswijk. 2014. Black Walnuts from the Dutch Coast. 20(3):6-7.
Cadee, G.C. and W. Kruiswijk. 2004. Can they float? A Nutmeg Myristica fragrans from the Dutch Coast. 10(3):5-6.
Cadee, G.C. and I. Mol. 2004. Drift seeds of the egg fruit, Pouteria sp. (Sapotaceae) rediscovered on the European coast. 10(2):11-12.
Cadee, G.C. and H. Nijhuis. 2001. Heritiera littoralis, New for the Netherlands and Europe. 7(1):9-10.
Cadee, G.C. and H. Nijhuis. 2003. A seed of the Para rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis from the Dutch coast. 9(2):6-7.
Cadee, G.C. and H. Nijhuis. 2005. Will Terschelling's mermaid tell us her secrets? 11(2):3.
Cadee, G.C. and M. Ruhland. 2010. Pterocarpus sp. A New Tropical Drift Fruit for Europe. 16(1):11-12.
Cadee, G.C. and M. Ruhland. 2011. An Immature Coconut from the Dutch Coast. 17(3):8-9.
Cadee, G.C. and M. Ruhland. 2012. Box Fruit, Barringtonia asiatica, Found on the Dutch Coast. 18(1):5-6.
Cadee, G.C. and R. de Ruijter. 2006. Non-floating Entada seeds on the Dutch coast. 12(1):2-4.
Cadee, G.C. and P. Smit. 2006. The first star nut Astrocaryum sp. from the Dutch coast. 12(1):14-15.
Cadee, G.C. and P. Smit. 2006. Riddle of Dutch Mystery Drift Seed Solved: Macadamia tetraphylla. 12(3):12.
Cadee, G.C. and R. van der Ham. 2008. A Spherical Starnut (Astrocaryum sp.) from the Dutch Coast . 14(1):10-11.
Corby, H.D.L. (Tom) 2005. The Drift-Seed of Mora oleifera (Triana) Ducke. 11(2):9=10.
Darke, N. 2003. Cornish Drift Seeds. 9(1):5.
Dennis, J.V. 1997. Stranded tropical disseminules from Cape Hatteras and nearby beaches in North Carolina, USA. 3(1):7.
Dennis, J.V. 1998. The lucky bean. 4(1):8.
Dennis, J.V. 1998. The lucky bean. 4(2):6.
Dennis, J.V. 1998. The lucky bean. Records of Ivory-nut Palm seeds from Southeastern Virginia, USA, Beaches. 4(3):8-9.
Dennis, J.V. 1999. The lucky bean. 5(1):8-9.
Dennis, J.V. 1999. The lucky bean. 5(2):8-9.
Dennis, J.V. 1999. The lucky bean. 5(3):7-8.
Dennis, J.V. 2000. The lucky bean. 6(1):6-7.
Dennis, J.V. 2000. The lucky bean. Long-distance travellers among the temperate drift seeds. 6(2):8-9.
Dennis, J.V. 2000. The lucky bean. 6(3):10.
Dennis, J.V. 2001. The lucky bean. 7(1):11-12.
Dennis, J.V. 2001. The lucky bean. Seed dispersal by members of the genus Opuntia, family Cactacea. 7(2):7-8.
Dennis, J.V. 2001. The lucky bean. 7(3):6-7.
Dennis, J.V. 2002. The lucky bean. 8(1):9-10.
Dennis, J.V. 2002. The lucky bean. 8(2):6.
Dickenson, R. 2001. A rich coast of seabeans. 7(2):3-4.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 1997. Seagoing Black Walnut endocarps. 3(2):8.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2002. Of pigs and beans and dragonflies. 8(3):3-5.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2003. Piggies Galore. 9(1):7.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2003. Drift Seed Necklace Recipe. 9(1):12.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2003. Fun Stuff from Curt. 9(2):2-5.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2003. Coming Clean. 9(3):10-11.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2003. The Missing. 9(3):11-13.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2004. Curt's Stuff. 10(1):8-10.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2004. Mango in Washington. 10(2):6-7.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2004. Stuff from Curt. 10(3):15-16.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2006. Sea-Beans in Hog Heaven. 12(1):5-8.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2006. Coin in a Coconut. 12(3):14-15.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2007. Rubber Ducky Frenzy. 13(3):6-7.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2008. Ampules. 14(1):7.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2008. On a Flotsam Collection Beach: Matagorda Island, Texas. 14(3):12-14.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2012. African and American Boats Orbit the Atlantic --- 26-foot sport fishing boat; 2-foot Moroccan toy boats ---. 18(2):3-5.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2012. Perplexing Peregrinaions: On the Trail of Drifting Coconuts. 18(3):5-16.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2015. Plastic Toothpaste. 21(2):7-8.
Ebbesmeyer, C.C. and W. Blazek 2011. Too Many Sea-Beans? Beneath Max's Madness. 17(1):6-7.
Ferguson, D.K. 1998. Charles Darwin, the drifter. 4(1):5.
Ferguson, D.K. 2000. Scrapes with the Black Walnut. 6(3):11.
Foreman, P. 2004. A New Sea Beaner's Story. 10(3):12-13.
Foreman, P. 2007. Sea-Beaning in the Bahamas. 13(1):8-9.
Foreman, P. 2008. Sea-Beaning in the Bahamas. 13(3):11-12.
Gainey, P.A. 2014. Drift Seeds on Cornish Strandlines. 20(3):9-12.
Gregory, M. 2006. Drifting Kowhai (Sophora microphylla) Seeds and Stranded Virgin Plastic Resin Granules: New Zealand Relationships. 12(2):11-12.
Gunn, R. 1995. Robert (Bob) Mossman, 'Jack Beans'. 1(1):5-7.
Gunn, R. 1999. A journal article by Ernst Gunnerus (1718-1773): Bishop of Dornthiem [Trondhiem], Norway and Botanist.
5(1):4-5. [1st of a 3-part series]
Gunn, R. 1999. A journal article by Ernst Gunnerus (1718-1773): Bishop of Dornthiem [Trondhiem], Norway and Botanist.
5(2):4-5. [2nd of a 3-part series]
Gunn, R. 1999. A journal article by Ernst Gunnerus (1718-1773): Bishop of Dornthiem [Trondhiem], Norway and Botanist.
5(3):5-6. [3rd of a 3-part series]
Gunn, R. 2000. Journey of Tropical drift disseminules from the Neotropics to their ultimate fate. 6(1):3.
Hanno, I. 2003. The mystery of Entada seeds. 9(1):2-4.
Hanno, I. 2003. Skate Egg Connections. 9(3):3-4.
Hanno, I. 2005. Travels with Mr. Seabean in Borneo. 11(1):2-3.
Hathaway, T.K. 2007. The Tale of the Numbered Sea Heart. 13(3):2.
Heath, G. 2003. Critter Corner. [Cannonball jellyfish, Stomolophus melegris] 9(1):8-9.
Hewitt, R.A. 2005. Drift Coconuts. 11(2):6-8.
Hewitt, R.A. 2005. Update to "Drift Coconuts". 11(3):7.
Hewitt, R.A. 2006. Floatation experiments on cephalopod shell in sea-water in England". 12(1):9-12.
Hewitt, R.A. 2006. Short-term Floatation Experiments on Vegetation and Flight Feathers in Cold English Seawater. 12(3):2-8.
Hewitt, R.A. 2007. Bryozoa on Coconuts. 13(1):11.
Hewitt, R.A. 2008. Avocado Fruit as Vehicles for Seed Dispersal. 14(1):13-14.
Hewitt, R.A. 2009. London Planetree Yields Mysterious Fruit. 15(1):8.
Hewitt, R.A. 2009. Changes in Mass and Damage to Coconuts Floated in English Hindu Festivals. 15(2):4-8.
Hewitt, R.A. 2010. Update on Southend Coconut Strandings. 16(1):9.
Hewitt, R.A. 2010. Fuel Oil and Coconuts Stranded at Southend, September 20, 2010. 16(3):2-4.
Hewitt, R.A. 2011. Census of Flotsam in a narrow Essex Estuary, England, October 9. 2010. 17(1):12-15.
Hewitt, R.A. 2012. Southend Nypa, Sepia, fruit and Cocos January 2011-April 2012. 18(1):11-17.
Hewitt, R.A. 2014. Drifted Scalloped Squash and Coconut Destruction. 20(3):13-16.
Hopkins, H.H. 1997. A study of drift fruits and seeds in Papua New Guinea. 3(1):3-6.
Hosten-Willems, L. 2005. Beachcombing in Port Elizabeth - South Africa. 11(1):5-9.
Hosten-Willems, L. 2007. Beachcombing in Port Elizabeth - South Africa (II). 13(2):10.
Hosten, L. and P. Hosten 2011. Looking for Driftseeds on the Island of Molokai, Hawaii. 17(3):10-14.
Jarzembowski, E. and B. Jarezembowski 2008. The Drifting Seed in Sussex, Southeast Encland. 14(3):15.
Jarzembowski, E. and B. Jarezembowski 2009. Fossil Driftseeds and Fruits from Southeast England. 15(1):6.
Jarzembowski, E. and B. Jarezembowski 2014. Sea Beans and Ivory Nuts. 20(3):17-22.
Jung, R. 2011. Be Careful What You Wish for: The Unintended Consequences of Land Crab Eviction with Nicker-Beans. 17(2):5-7.
Keith, A.R. 2007. Drift Seeds. 13(2):11.
Kelly, M. 2009. Spring Tease 2009. 15(2):10.
Kelly, M. 2010. A Message in a Bottle. 16(1):9-10.
Longhorn, E. 2004. A letter to all Drifters. 10(1):6-7.
Longhorn, E. 2004. A letter to all Drifters, Part 2. 10(2):6.
Longhorn, E. 2004. Typhoons Make 2004 a Bumper Year for Sea-Beans in Japan. 10(3):10.
McElwaine, S. 2011. A Sea-Bean Encounter on the Coast of Ireland. 17(2):4-5.
Miller, D. 2007. Sea Beans at the Ragged Island All-Grade School. 13(1):10.
Mitchell, M. 2003. 8th Annual Internatinal Symposium Highlights. 9(3):8-9.
Mitchell, M. 2004. Symposium Review. 10(3):7-9.
Mitchell, M. 2005. Symposium Review. 11(3):8-9.
Mitchell, M. 2006. Eleventh Annual International Sea-Bean Symposium, October 13-14, 2006, Cocoa Beach, Florida. 12(3):15-17.
Mitchell, M. 2007. 2007 Symposium Review. 13(3):3-5.
Mitchell, M. 2008. Thirteenth Annual International Sea-Bean Symposium, October 17-18, 2008, Cocoa Beach, Florida. 14(3):2-5.
Mitchell, M. 2009. Seabean Hunting in El Cuyo. 15(1)9-10.
Mitchell, M. 2010. Fourteenth Annual International Sea Bean Symposium. 16(1)2-4.
Mitchell, M. 2010. Fifteenth Annual International Sea-bean Symposium Review. 16(3)5-8.
Mitchell, M. 2012. 17th Annual International Sea-bean Symposium Review. 18(3)2-4.
Nelson, C. 2004. Memoirs of a Short-Sighted Irish Sea-Beaner. 10(2):2-3.
Nelson, C.R. 1998. Sea beans as Vesta Boxes and Snuff Boxes. 4(2):9-10.
Nelson, C.R. 2000. Notes from Lanzarote, Canary Islands. 8(3):10.
Nelson, E.C. 2005. Beach Balls - the European team, and how to make your own balls. 11(1):4.
Nelson, E.C. 2005. Christopher Columbus and Driftseeds. 11(3):5-6.
Nelson, E.C. 2006. How Far North Can Drift Seeds be Found in Eastern North America? 12(2):2-5.
Nelson, E.C. 2008. The Drifting Seed in Fiction. 14(1):6.
Norton, E. 2005. In a letter from Drifter Elaine Norton, June 29th, 2005. [seabeans and Dolphins] 11(2):4.
Norton, E. 2007. The Padre Island National Seashore "Crunch-Squish Walk" Adventure. 13(2):3-6.
Norton, E. 2008. Tropical Storm Fay leaves One-day Bonanza on Fort Lauderdale Beach. 14(2):3-5.
Perry, Ed. 1999. My Mucuna of Melbourne.
Perry, Ed. 2000. Beans Past and Present.
Perry, Ed. 2000. The Brown Nicar.
Perry, Ed. 2000. Seeds that tell stories.
Perry, Ed. 2000. Mucuna of North Atlantic shores.
Perry, Ed. 2001. Beans of a different color: Coralbeans on North Atlantic Shores. 7(1):13-14.
Perry, Ed. 2001. Sausage tree fruits. 7(2):9-10.
Perry, Ed. 2002. Identity of the Brown Nickerbean. 8(2):3-5.
Perry, Ed. 2011. My 100-Year Old Sea-Beaning Friend; Is She our First? 8(2):10-11.
Piirainen, M. 2007. Heritiera littoralis found in Finland - the second record from Europe. 13(1):12.
Reininger, R. 1999. Sea-beans in Daytona Beach, Florida. 5(1):14.
Rhodes, N. 2000. Ghost Crabs, Sea Purses and Jack Russells. 14(1):11.
Robertson, A. 1998. Gigasiphon macrosiphon - A case study of mistaken identity.
Rolph, B. 2004. That Very Special Mary's Bean. 10(1):2.
Smith, J.M.B. 1995. Drift seed pursuits in the Coral Sea and Australia. 1(2):5-7.
Smith, J.[M.B.] 2003. Letter from a stranded drifter. 9(1):6-7.
Smith, J.[M.B.] 2006. More on Seed Dispersal. 12(1):13.
Smith, J.[M.B.] 2006. Driftseeds and Seabirds. 12(3):10-11.
Sullivan, C.J., T. Flynn, and G. Sullivan. 2006. Stranded Fruits, Seeds And Other Drift On Kauai Beaches. 12(2):7-9.
Sullivan, C.J., T. Flynn, and G. Sullivan. 2009. Seeds and Things from Beaches of the Garden Island. 15(2):11-13.
Sullivan, C.J., J. Williams, and G. Sullivan. 2008. A World of Drift Seeds. 14(2):5-10.
Sullivan, C.J., J. Williams, and G. Sullivan. 2010. A World of Drift Seeds. Update 2010. 16(2):2-3.
Sullivan, G. 2003. Sea-Bean Collection at University of Texas at Austin Marine Science Institute. 9(2):7-9.
Sullivan, G. 2003. Legend of St. Augustine. 9(3):5-6.
Sullivan, G. 2003. A New Sea-Bean: Texas Ebony. 9(3):7.
Sullivan, G. 2003. The World's Largest Seaheart. 9(3):19.
Sullivan, G. 2004. The World's Largest Seaheart. 10(1):5-6.
Sullivan, G. 2004. The World's Largest Seaheart. 10(2):4.
Sullivan, G. 2004. Mescal Bean - A New Sea-Bean. 10(2):5.
Sullivan, G. 2004. The University of Texas at Austin Marine Science Institute (UTMSI) Sea-Bean Collection - Update. 10(3):11.
Sullivan, G. 2005. The Godzilla Entada. Aka The Big Bean. 11(1):10-11.
Sullivan, G. 2005. California Pignuts. 11(3):10-11.
Sullivan, G. 2005. The Diminutive Entada. 11(3):12.
Sullivan, G. 2006. Just a Yellow Nickar in Texas. 12(2):13.
Sullivan, G. 2006. The Eyeless Nut. 12(3):8-9.
Sullivan, G. 2007. Goodbye Three-lobed Mora; Hello Three-lobed Pachira!. 13(1):4-5.
Sullivan, G. 2009. A Unique Contribution by Drift Seeds. 15(2):2-3.
Sullivan, G. 2009. Moclips' Treasure. 15(3):2.
Sullivan, G. 2009. Superb Seabeans from Viti Levu. 15(3):4-7.
Sullivan, G. 2010. Oh My Aching Sacroiliac!. 16(1):13-14.
Sullivan, G. 2010. Exhibiting Drift Seeds Throuigh Refrigerator Art. 16(2):6.
Sullivan, G. 2010. Stalking the Golf Ball Seabean. 16(3):9-10.
Sullivan, G. 2011. What A Life!!, Part 1. 17(2):2-3.
Sullivan, G. 2011. What A Life!!, Part 2. 17(3):5-7.
Sullivan, G. 2012. The Continuing Saga of Mustang Island's Drift Seed-o-logy. 18(1):7-10.
Sullivan, G. and E. Mortimer. 2009. Just Another Jack-bean. 15(1):2.
Sullivan, G. and A. Rammer. 2008. Cathie's Bean. How Rare is Rare? 14(2):11-12.
Sullivan, G. and T. Flynn. 2009. Drift Seeds from a Lonely Beach in Micronesia. 15(1):7-8.
Sullivan, G. and J. Williams. 2007. UTMSI Drift Seed Collection Continues to Flourish. 13(2):8-9.
Sullivan, G. and J. Williams. 2008. Smiley. Part I -- Mucuna vs. Dioclea -- No Problema!
Part II -- Mucuna sloanei vs. Mucuna urens -- No Problema! 14(1):2-4.
Sullivan, G. and J. Williams. 2008. MIB 14(3):6-8.
Sullivan, G. and J. Williams. 2010. What’s New on Mustang Island. A University of Texas Marine Science Institute Update
Sullivan, J. and S. Williams. 2011. Has The First Entada Drift Seed Stranded On The Pacific Coastline of North America?
Smith, R. 1998. Seed necklaces. 4(1):11-12.
Surrency, A. 2011. Sea Bean Heaven. 17(2):10-11.
Van der Burgt, X. 1997. African drift disseminules: I.
Van der Burgt, X. 1998. Drift seeds from the Netherlands and Gabon.
Van Duzer, C. 2004. Some Floating Islands Seen at Sea.
Verschoore. L. 2014. Mangrove Propagule found on the Belgian Coast. 20(3):8.
Verschoore. L. 2015. Drift Seeds of Fajara. 21(2):4-5.
Verschoore. L. 2015. Baobab on Gambian Coast. 21(2):6-7.
Vander Velde, N and B. Vander Velde. 2004. A new Record for the Mary's Bean. 10(2):7-8.
Wagner, B.F. 2002. Driftseeds of Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. 8(1):7-8.
Williams, D. 1998. Thoughts on having the "Eye". 4(2):11.
Williams, J. and G. Sullivan 2005. Wracky Potpourri. 11(3):13-15.
[subtitles include: Can you TOP this? Turtle Bites. The "Yellow Ducky Saga" continues. True Seabeads.]
Williams, J. and G. Sullivan 2006. Wracky Potpourri II. 12(3):12-14.
Williams, J. and G. Sullivan 2007. Wracky Potpourri II. 13(3):11-12.
Williams, J. and G. Sullivan 2008. Drift Items from Agony Beach. 14(2):13-14.
Witherington, B. 2000. Life Rafts and Little Turtles.
Witherington, B. 2001. Why do drifting seeds beguile us with their prodigious journeys?
What's in it for the bean itself... besides the notoriety? 7(1):4.
Witherington, B. 2003. Little Turtles, Sargassum Critters, Floating Garbage, and Drifting Seeds. 9(2):9-10.
Yow, C. 2001. The inside story - Tropical Almonds (Terminalia catappa) (Or, How not to make a meal from a pile of them). 7(3):8-9.
Yow, C. 2002. The inside story - or, What's in a Hamburger Bean. 8(1):11-12.
Yow, C. 2002. The inside story on the Gray Nickernut.
Yow, C. 2002. The inside story - Manicaria saccifera. Sea-coconuts, golfball beans. 8(3):6-7.
Yow, C. 2003. By land, sea, and air: a sea-heart goes west. 9(1):9-10.
Zies, P. 1996. Drift seeds used in toys and games.
Zies, P. 1997. Florida drift seeds.
Zies, P. 1997. Sea Bean Self Defense.
Zies, P. 1998. Charles Darwin's lost theory.
Zies, P. 1998. News about Nickernuts.
Zies, P. 1999. Batty about sea-beans.
Zies, P. 1999. A pitch and a swing.
Zies, P. 1999. Just how big is big?
Zies, P. 2001. Sea-Bean hunting in the Amazon. 7(1):7-8.
Zies, P. 2001. Don't put all your beans in one basket. 7(2):5-6.
Zies, P. 2002. A "Palm-derous" Question OR Going Nuts Over Palm IDs. 8(1):2-4.
Zies, P. 2002. I Saw Cathie Today. 8(1):5-6.
Zonfrillo, B. 1998. More Sea-beans from Scotland and observations from the Morant Cays, Jamaica. 4(3):13.