A Sea-Bean Guide Seaheart (Entada gigas) Hamburger Bean (Mucuna sp.) Mary's Bean (Merremia discoidesperma) Hamburger Bean (Mucuna sp.) Coconut (Cocos nucifera) Sea Purse (Dioclea sp.) Antidote Vine (Fevillea cordifolia) Tropical Almond (Terminalia catappa)

Sea-Beans of Northern Queensland, Australia

N. Rhodes made a trip to Far Northern Queensland, Australia to study mangroves
and collected several sea-beans in the process.
All photos by N. Rhodes.

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At the C4 Environmental Center (http://www.cassowaryconservation.asn.au/C4CentreFrame.htm) in Mission Beach, I took this picture. It was a display of local drift seeds and the seed pod was identified as Entada phaseoloides.
seed and pod layout

Here's a picture of the Entada phaseoloides (identified by them) vine at the Daintree Rainforest Environmental Centre. It was huge...
Entada phaseoloides at the Daintree Rainforest Environmental Centre

The one I found on Wonga Beach looks much different than the rest. Maybe it just got real black floating around in the sea - it's a mystery to me. It rattles but I don't know what's inside. I think I'll save opening it for the Seabean Symposium:
Double Seed Pod
They were VERY plentiful but I never saw any pods with more than 3 seed chambers inside. The photo I sent you only had one seed chamber - I think it was the only one I found with the seed still still stuck inside - until I pulled it out. It was about 5x6cm - most are around that size and quite heavy. They have a skin you can scrape off with your fingernail to expose a cream-colored bean (like a kidney bean).  I saw them painted in Queensland, but I don't know how they get the paint to stick since they seem to feel somewhat fleshy.
Castanospermum australe
Morton Bay Chestnut; Blackbean

Unidentified #2

Unidentified #3

Unidentified #4

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