The Wrack is the material left behind on the beach from the waves and rise/fall of the tiedes. The wrack mostly contains seaweed but also may contain driftwood, tar balls, trash, toys, and drift seeds! The fall of the tide typically leaves the wrack deposited as a line of debris on the beach; this is called the wrack line. As you approach the wrack, you look at it and ask: Are you a "Good Wrack" or a "Bad Wrack"? Well, let's first state that ANY wrack (sans trash) is good for the beach. The vegetative components of the wrack will dry, decay and provide nutrients to beach organisms and dune plants stabilizing the beach. That said, if your municipality supports "beach cleaning" efforts which rake away the wrack, we ENcourage you to DIScourage them from doing so... this is a very bad practice. By examining the composition of the wrack components, you can quickly decide: good or bad? |
A video by the Audubon Society: What is Coastal Wrack? |
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