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There are a couple different models, but each has to be bent or twisted. Look closely at your lightstick for something inside. One type will have a small disk, the diameter of the interior of the lightstick. When new (unused), this disk separates two fluids in the tube. Bend and twist the tube and the disk gets dislodged and the two chemicals mix and the chemical reaction produces light. Another type will have a small tube inside the outer tube; this inner tube will have one chemical while the surrounding fluid will be on another chemical. Bending the lightstick in half will break the inner tube, thereby allowing the two chemicals to mix and produce light. The resultant chemical reaction interacts with a fluorescent dye that gives off the light. In either case, once in a state where the two chemicals are able to mix, you would shake the lightstick vigorously to insure good mixing of the chemicals and the maximum duration of brightest light produced. Some lightsticks will emit light for about 12 hours! Huge numbers of these end up free-floating, contributing to the massive problem of plastics and trash in the oceans. |
hings that float: LightSticks ALL web pages © www.seabean.com --- All rights reserved. ALL photos © www.seabean.com or other photographers individually credited. Use of ANY photo without written permission is prohibited! |