16th Annual International Sea-Bean Symposium
and Beachcombers' Festival
Keynote Speakers: Blair and Dawn Witherington
Georgia and the Carolinas, a Beachcombing Odyssey"
Symposium details and schedules are HERE!

Odd Bean Contest rules
Lodging in Cocoa Beach and the vicinity of the Symposium
The T-shirt design this year is by
Dawn Witherington

Click on above image for a larger version AND check out the
T-Shirt Order Info & Travel Info 
This Sea-Bean Symposium
includes displays on sea-beans and other beach "stuff",
as well as presentations, identification sessions, door prizes, sea-bean
Books: Sea-Beans from
the Tropics and The Little Book of
Sea-Beans and Florida's
Living Beaches, and
Cathie Katz's The
Nature of Florida's ... series
Events:  the Bean-a-Thon contest, odd bean contest, raffles, door prizes
and much more!
Displays and sales tables also onsite from
Krieger Publishing Company,
www.BeachBeans.com and
Check out last year's (2010) symposium!
To prepare for your visit to the symposium and Florida's beaches, check
out this
one page
Simple Guide to Florida Sea-Beans or the online
Sea-Bean ID Guide