are for personal, non-commercial use.
is included.
A special thanks to M. Canada who kindly provided access to much of the literature.
 112 MB |
Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro.
2005. Vines and climbing plants of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Washington, DC: Department of Botany, National Museum of Natural History.
[References Mucuna species: altissima (as a synonym of M. pruriens), pruriens, sloanei, urens]
 560 KB |
Adams, C.D.
1972. Flowering Plants of Jamaica.
Robert MacLehose and Company, Ltd.; University Press, Glasgow, Great Britain
[References Mucuna species: deeringiana, fawcettii, pruriens, sloanei, urens]
Adanson, M.
1763. Familles des Plantes.
Vincent, Paris.
[OD: Mucuna mentioned on
pages 312, 313, and on index
page 583]
 32 KB |
Agostini, K.
2004. Pollination ecology of Mucuna sp. nov. (Fabaceae) from southeastern Brazil. [English abstract; also in
Portuguese ]
Biota Neotropica 4(2).
["OD": Mucuna sp. ...not printed, but alludes to M. japira See: Tozzi et al, 2005. References Mucuna species: japira, sloanei]
 144 KB |
Agostini, K. and M. Sazima.
2006. Bird Pollination of Explosive Flowers While Foraging for Nectar and Catepillars.
Biotropica 38(5):674-678.
[References Mucuna species: japira, kraetkei, rostrata, urens]
 574 KB |
Aitawade, M.M. and S.R. Yadav
2012. Mucuna sanjappae, a new species from the north-Western Ghats, India.
Advances in Legume Systematics. Part 2.
[OD: Mucuna sanjappae. References Mucuna species: pruriens]
Abe Books $$
Amazon $$$ |
Arroyo, M.T.K.
1981. Breeding systems and pollination biology in Leguminosae.
In: Polhill, R. M. and P.H. Raven, ed(s). Advances in legume systematics.
Kew, Royal Botanic Garden. 723-769; illus. En Proceedings of the International Legume Conference, Kew, 24-29 July, 1978.
Reproductive biology. Geog=1-7 Systematics: ANGIOSPERMAE (LEGUMINOSAE)
 8.17 MB |
Asprey, G. F. and R. G. Robbins
1953. The Vegetation of Jamaica.
Ecological Monographs 23(4):359-412.
[References Mucuna species: pruriens]
Bort, K.S.
1909. The Florida Velvet Bean and its history.
Bureau of Plant Industry, Bulletin 141; Washington D.C., Government Printing Office.
[References (I think; publication not seen) Mucuna species: keyensis]
See also: Piper and Tracy, 1910.
Google Books also:
Burck, W.
1893. Contributions a la flore de l'archipel Malais. I. Les especes du genre Mucuna de l'Archipel Malais et de la Nouvelle Guinee
Annales de Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg. 11:183-190.
OD: Mucuna blumei, M. ceramensis, M. keyensis, M. lucidula, M. parvifolia, M. reticulata, M. wertheimii References Mucuna species: albertisii, bennettii, biplicata, capitata, cyanosperma, gigantea, kraetkei, macrophylla, mollissima, monosperma, novo-guineensis, pruriens, prurita, urens, urentissima, utilis]
Amazon $$$ |
Darwin, C. and Media Design Interactive (Firm)
1994. The new dictionary of the living world.
Farnum, Surrey, England S.l., MDI ; Distributed by Sony Imagesoft,: 1 computer compact disc (audio CD) 4 3/4 in.
Elmer, A.D.E.
1907. Some new Leguminosae.
Leaflets of Philippine Botany 1:220-232.
[OD: Mucuna curranii (see pages 230-232). References Mucuna longipedunculata]
Elmer, A.D.E.
1915. Two hundred twenty six new species - II
Leaflets of Philippine Botany 8:2719-2883.
[OD: Mucuna macmillani. (see pgs. 2736-2738)]
Google Books |
Faridah Hanum, I. and L. J. G. van der Maesen, Editors
1997. Plant resources of South-East Asia (PROSEA), No. 11. Auxiliary plants.
Backhuys Publishers, Leiden Netherlands; 389 pages.
Google Books link is to a "preview"... the total pages displayed are limited; unfortunately, the section on Mucuna species (pgs. 201-203?) is omitted.]
[See also: Abstract]
[References Mucuna species: acuminata, aterrima, bakeri, capitata, cochinchinensis, comorensis, cyanosperma, deeringiana, gigantea, hassjoo, lyonii, macrophylla,
nivea, pachylobia, pruriens, utilis, velutina]
 99 KB |
Hammerton, J.
2003. Mucuna pruriens: weed, invasive, or multi-use crop for the Bahamas.
College of the Bahamas Research Journal 12:4-15.
[Includes table: "The Mucuna species of the Caribbean Region, including Florida and the Bahamas..."
References Mucuna species: aterrima, deeringiana, fawcettii, nivea, pachylobia, pruriens, pruriens var utilis, rostrata, sloanei, urens, utilis]
 627 KB |
Hopkins, H. C. F. and M. J. G. Hoplkins
1993. Rediscovery of Mucuna macropoda (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae), and Its Pollination by Bats in Papua New Guinea.
Kew Bulletin 48(2):297-305.
[References Mucuna species: macropoda, schlechteri]
 386 KB |
Hosokawa, T.
1935. Materials of the botanical researh twoards the flora of Micronesia IV.
IN: Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 25(140):117-128.
[OD: Mucuna pacifica, ponapeana (pgs. 123-124).]
NOTE: M. ponapeana not listed as such, but proposed as "Mucuna sp. nov.?"; Ponape is the location where specimens were found.
 581 KB |
Ide, M., S. Imaeb and H. Ikeda
2012. A New Locality of Mucuna sempervirens Hemsl. (Fabaceae) in Japan.
Journal of Japanese Botany 87:140–142.
[References Mucuna species: sempervirens]
 2.6 MB |
Ingalhalikar, S., N.V. Page, S.V. Gaikward, and R.V. Gurav
Mucuna laticifera, a new species from north-eastern India.
Phytotaxa 319(1)118-122.
[OD: Mucuna laticifera References Mucuna species: birdwoodiana, macrocarpa]
| et al. 2017. Mucuna laticifera a new species from north-eastern India.pdf
 386 KB |
Janzen, D. H.
1977. Variation in Seed Size within a Crop of a Costa Rican Mucuna andreana (Leguminosae).
American Journal of Botany 64(3):347-349.
[References Mucuna species: andreana]
 14 KB |
Jiang K., Y. Huang, and T.M. Moura
2020 Mucuna guangxiensis, a new species of Mucuna subg. Macrocarpa (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) from China
Phytotaxa 433(2):145-152.
[OD: Mucuna guangxiensis]
 802 KB |
Kajita, T., H. Ohashi, Y. Tateishi, C. D. Bailey and J. J. Doyle
2001. rbcL and Legume Phylogen with Particular Reference to Phaseoleae, Millettieae, and Allies.
Systematic Botany 26(3):515-536.
[References Mucuna species: macrocarpa, nigricans]
 824 KB |
Krishnaraj, M.V. and N.N. Mohanan
2012. Notes on the identity and status of two Legumes (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae) from India.
Phytotaxa 66:13–20.
[References Mucuna species: pruriens, thekkadiensis]
Abstract: Indigofera karaiyarensis and Mucuna pruriens var. thekkadiensis are synonymized under Indigofera astragalina and Mucuna pruriens var. hirsuta respectively.]
 1.00 MB |
Kuo, C., N. Chiu, C. Kuo, H. Tsay and C. Chen
2004. Anatomical studies on the Mucuna species native to Taiwan.
J. Chin. Med 15(1):47-59.
[References Mucuna species: gigantea, macrocarpa, membranacea, pruriens var utilis]
 1.00 MB |
Leeratiwong, C., S. Jornead, J. Satthaphorn, and P. Chantaranothai
2018. A new record of Mucuna Adans. (Leguminosae) for Thailand.
Thai Forest Bull., Bot. 46(1):1–3.
[References Mucuna species: acuminata, gigantea]
Léveillé, H. [actually: Augustin Abel Hector Léveillé]
1908. Le genre Mucuna en Chine.
Bulletin de la Société botanique de France. 55:407-409.
[OD: Mucuna Bodinieri, pg. 408. (See also: eFloras of China.); Mucuna martini, p. 409. References Mucuna species: championi, bodinieri, macrobotrys, martini, sempervirens]
 24.1 MB |
Macbride, J.F.
1943. Leguminosae, Flora of Peru.
Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 13(3/1): 1–506.
[ References Mucuna species (pp. 313-317): altissima, elliptica, huberi, inflexa, mapirensis, mitis, rostrata, sloanei, urens]
Medikus, F.K.
1787. Vorlesungen der Churpfalzischen physicalisch-oconomischen Gesellschaft 26:399.
Google Books
Merrill, E.D.
1906. New or noteworthy Phillipine plants. V.
Philippine Journal of Science; Vol. 1, supplement), 169-246. [Mucuna spp. on
pages 196-197 or full article in
Google Books or
PDF format ; published August 15, 1906.]
[OD: Mucuna acuminata, M. luzoniensis, M. lyonii. References Mucuna species: gigantea, longipedunculata, nivea, sericophylla]
 6.4 MB and
Merrill, E.D. and L. M. Perry
1942. Plantae Papuanae Archiboldianae, X
Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 23(4):383-416. [Mucuna spp. on pages 404-406]
[OD: Mucuna baileyana, M. discolor, M. elegans. References Mucuna species: Bennettii, brachycarpa, cyanosperma, Lane-Poolei, miniata, Stanleyi, urens, urens var papuana]
 25.2 MB |
Moura, T.M.
2013. Filogenia de Mucuna Adans. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) e taxonomia das especies ocorrentes no continente Americano.
Tese (Docutorado) [Ph. D. thesis]. Campinas, Brasil: Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
 1.80 MB |
Moura, T.M., R. Gereau, and G.P. Lewis
2014. Mucuna mooneyi (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae), a new species from Ethiopia.
Kew Bull. 70:32; 5 pp.
[OD: Mucuna mooneyi. References Mucuna species/var: melanocarpa, pesa, poggei]
 7.70 MB |
Moura, T. M. and G.P. Lewis
2014. Taxonomic studies in the Mucuna poggei complex (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae).
Kew Bull. 69:9544; 9 pp.
[New Comb.: Mucuna occidentalis. References Mucuna species/var: glabrescens, occidentalis, pesa, poggei]
 938 KB |
Moura, T. M., G.P. Lewis, V. F. Mansano and A. M. G. A. Tozzi
2013. Three new species of Mucuna (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Phaseoleae) from South America.
Kew Bull. 68:143-150.
[OD: Mucuna argentea, M. cajamarca, M. klitgaardiae. References Mucuna species: argyrophylla, cuatrecasasii, elliptica, flagellipes, mitis,
sloanei, urens]
 1.3 MB
Moura, T. M., G.P. Lewis, V. F. Mansano and A. M. G. A. Tozzi
2014. Taxonomic Studies in Mucuna Adans. (Legunminosae - Papilionoideae) from Peru.
Systematic Botany 39(3):884-896.
[OD: Mucuna pseudoelliptica.
References Mucuna species: argentea, cajamarca, elliptica, fawcettii, klitgaardiae, mitis, mutisiana, pruriens, pseudoelliptica, rostrata, sloanei, urens.
Places fawcettii as a synonym of elliptica]
NHBS $$$ |
Moura, T. M., G.P. Lewis, V. F. Mansano and A. M. G. A. Tozzi
2016. Mucuna Adans. (Leguminosae - Phaseoleae), Part 1.
Flora of Ecuador 93:5-21.
[OD: Mucuna ecuatoriana.]
[Abstract: The following legume genera in Ecuador are revised: Cajanus (1 sp.), Calopogonium (3 spp.),
Centrosema (9 spp.), Cologania (1 sp.), Galactia (2 spp.), Mucuna (8 spp.), Pueraria (1 sp.), Rhynchosia (7 spp.) and Teramnus (2 spp.).
The species of Cajanus and Pueraria, C. cajan and P. phaseoloides, originate from Asia and have become established in seminatural, disturbed habitats.
One new species, Mucuna ecuatoriana, is described and several lectotypifications are made.
Keys to all species are presented within respective genus along with synonymy, specimen citations, taxonomic references, and information on ecology and distribution.
Many species are illustrated with either line drawings and/or colour photos.]
 27.1 MB
Moura, T. M., G.P. Lewis, V. F. Mansano and A. M. G. A. Tozzi
2018. A revision of the neotropical Mucuna species (Leguminosae --- Papilionoideae).
Phytotaxa 337(1):1-65.
References Mucuna species: analuciana, argentea, argyrophylla, cajamarca, chiapaneca, cuatrecasasii, ecuatoriana, elliptica, globulifera, holtonii, japira, jarocha, killipiana, klitgaardiae, mitis, mollis, monticola, mutisiana, pruriens, pseudoelliptica, rostrata, sloanei, tapantiana, urens.
 231 KB |
Moura, T. M., V. F. Mansano, R. Gereau and A. M. G. A. Tozzi
2013. Mucuna jarocha (Leguminosae-Papilionoidae-Phaseoleae), a new species from Mexico.
Phytotaxa 89(1):43-46.
[OD: Mucuna jarocha, p. 44. References Mucuna species:
argyrophylla, globulifera, holtonii, jarocha, monticola]
 386 KB |
Moura, T. M., V. F. Mansano, B. M. Torke, G. P. Lewis and A. M. G. A. Tozzi
2013. A Taxonomic Revision of Mucuna (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae: Phaseoleae) in Brazil.
Systematic Botany 38(3):631-637.
[OD: Mucuna analucianae, p. 632. References Mucuna species:
analuciane, elliptica, eriocarpa, huberi, japira, mitis, pleuricostata,
pruriens, rostrata, sloanei, urens]
 340 KB |
Moura, T. M., B. M. Torke, V. F. Mansano and A. M. G. A. Tozzi
2012. A new combination for an endemic Hawaiian species of Mucuna (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae), with a key to the
Hawaiian taxa of the genus.
Kew Bull. 67:837-841.
[Comb. Nov.: Mucuna persericea. References Mucuna species: bennettii, elegans, gigantea, miniata, novo-guineensis,
persericea, platyphylla, pruriens var utilis, sloanei, sloanei var persericea]
 221 KB |
Moura, T. M., A. M. G. A. Tozzi, R. E. Gereau, V. F. Mansano and G. P. Lewis
2014. Proposal to reject the name Dolichos altissimus (Leguminosae Papilionoideae) thus protecting the name Mucuna gigantea.
Taxon 63(2):439.
[References Mucuna species: altissima, gigantea, urens]
 202 KB |
Moura, T. M., A. M. G. A. Tozzi, V. F. Mansano and G. P. Lewis
2013. Lectotypification of names of Neotropical species of Mucuna (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Phaseoleae).
Taxon 62(2):391-393.
[References Mucuna species: andreana, inflexa, mitis, mollis, mutisiana, rostrata, sloanei, urens]
 1.6 MB |
Moura, T. M., M. Vatanparast, A. M. G. A. Tozzi, F. Forest, M. Wilmot-Dear, M. F. Simon, V. F. Mansano, T. Kajita, and G. P. Lewis
2016. A molecular phylogeny and new infrageneric classification of Mucuna Adans. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) including insights from morphology and hypotheses about biogeography.
International Journal of Plant Sciences 177:76-89. [electronically published November 24, 2015]
[References Mucuna species: americana, argyrophylla, atropurpurea, bennettii, biplicata, birdwoodiana,
calophylla, coriacea, cuneata, cyanosperma, diabolica, elmeri, flagellipes, gigantea, gigantea quadrialata, hassjoo, japira, lamellata, lamellata (paohwashanica),
macrocarpa, manongarivensis, microphyllum, mollis, mollisima, mollissima (cyanosperma), mutisiana, neocaledonica, novo guinensis, paohwashanica, poggei,
puriens var puriens, pruriens var utilis, pruriens var utilis (hassjoo), quadrialata, regnellii, rostrata, samarensis, sempervirens,
sloanei, stans, stenoplax, ulei, urens.
Mentioned, but not included in the analysis are: argentea, cajamarca, cuatrecasasii, elliptica, klitgaardiae, pseudoelliptica]
 614 KB |
Moura, T. M., M. Wilmot-Dear, M. Vatanparast, A.P. Fortuna-Perez, A. M.G.A. Tozzi, and G.P. Lewis
2016. A New Infrageneric Classification of Mucuna (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) Supported by Morphology, Molecular Phylogeny and Biogeography.
Systematic Botany 41(3):606-616. [published August 26, 2016]
[OD: subgenus Macrocarpa. References Mucuna species:
americana, argyrophylla, atropurpurea, bennetti, biplicata, birdwoodiana, bodinieri, calophylla, castanea, collettii, coriacea, coriocarpa, corvina,
cyanosperma, diabolica, elmeri, ferruginea, flagellipes, gigantea, gigantea quadrialata, hassjoo, japira, japonica, lamellata, longipedunculata,
macrocarpa, manongarivensis, mairei, mollis, mollissima, mutisiana, neocaledonica, nova guineensis, pachwashanica, pachycarpa, poggei, pruriens, rostrata,
samarensis, sempervirens, sloanei, stans, stenoplax, terrens, urens, wangii]
 614 KB |
Moura, T. M., N.A. Zamora, B.M. Torke, V. de F. Mansano and A. M.G.A. Tozzi
2012. A New Species of Mucuna (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae-Phaseoleae) from Costa Rica and Panama.
Phytotaxa 60:1-8.
[OD: Mucuna monticola, p. 2. References Mucuna species:
killipiana, monticola, mutisiana]
 545 KB |
Moura, T. M., N. A. Zamora, G. P. Lewis, V. de F. Mansano and A. M. G. A. Tozzi
2013. Mucuna globulifera (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae-Phaseoleae), a new species from Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia.
Kew Bulletin 68(1):151-155.
[OD: Mucuna globulifera. References Mucuna species: mollis]
 458 KB |
Murakami, N. and T. Hamada
1967. A study on the fruits and seeds of Mucuna sempervirens Hemsl.
Journal of Japanese Botany 42(11):327–334.
References Mucuna species: japonica, sempervirens]
 544 KB |
Natarajan, K., N. Narayanan and N. Ravichandran.
2012. Review on "Mucuna" - The Wonder Plant.
Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res. 17(1):86-93 [No. 18].
[Provides a list of 130 species of Mucuna, with notes on nutritional value and medicinal use; also included is a list of 14 "Indian Mucuna species".]
 348 KB |
Ohashi H. and Y. Tateishi
1976. Mucuna macrocarpa and Mucuna gigantea Leguminosae in Japan and Formosa.
Journal of Japanese Botany 51(6):161-168.
[Comb. Nov: Mucuna gigantea tashiroi; References Mucuna species: gigantea, irukanda var bungoensis, ferruginea var bungoensis, irukanda,
macrocarpa, subferruginea, tashiroi. Treated M. irukanda, M. irukanda var. bungoensis as new synonyms of M. macrocarpa and M. tashi roi as a subspecies of M. gigantea.]
[abstract: Comparative morphological studies were done on M. macrocarpa and M. gigantea. Other taxa compared for their morphology and distribution are: M. irukanda var. bungoensis, M. ferruginea var. bungoensis, M. subferruginea, M. membranacea, M. Tashiroi, M. gigantea ssp. gigantea and M. gigantea ssp. Tashiroi comb. et stat. nov. (M. Tashiroi Havata).]
 584 KB |
Ohashi, H., Y. Tateishi, and H. Ikeda
2012. Retypification of Mucuna japonica Nakai (Leguminosae).
Journal of Japanese Botany 87(6):365-374. [abstract]
[References Mucuna species: japonica, sempervirens]
 844 KB |
Ohwi, J.
1936. Synbolae ad Floram Asiae Orientalis 14.
Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 5(3):179-188.
[OD: Mucuna iriomotensis (see pg. 181); References Mucuna species: membranacea]
Ohwi, J.
1936. [title?]
Journ. Jap. Bot. 12:652-665.
[OD: Mucuna irukanda, pg. 659.]
 72 KB |
Ohwi, J.
1963. The fruits of Japanese Mucuna.
Journal of Japanese Botany 38:127.
Ohwi, J.
1965. [title?]
Fl. Jap. rev. ed. 1439 (1975).
[References Mucuna species: bungoensis]
 319 KB |
Parkinson, P.G.
1987. Adansons Generic Names for Seed Plants; Validation and Typification - Part 1 - Nomina Conservanda and Nomina Conservanda Proposita.
Taxon 36(1):81-87.
[References the genus Mucuna (as a "nomen conservandum" or conserved name, pg. 83-84) and Mucuna species: altissimus, lignosus, pruriens, urens]
See also: an extract (pages 83-84) from this paper with only the pertinent text regarding Mucuna in
JPG or
PDF formats.
Pathak, M.K. & M. Bhaumik
2004. Mucuna Sempervirens Hemsl. (Leguminosae Papilionoideae) - a new Report for Arunachal Pradesh.
Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society 101:331-332.
[References Mucuna species: japonica, mairei, sempervirens]
See also: an extract (pages
331-332) from this journal with only the pertinent text.
and link |
Patil, R.R., K.D. Pawar, M.R. Rane, S.R. Yadav, V.A. Bapat and J.P. Jadhav
2016. Assessment of genetic diversity in Mucuna species of India using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA and inter simple sequence repeat markers.
Physiol Mol Biol Plants 22(2):207-217. [abstract]
[References Mucuna species: atropurpurea, imbricata, macrocarpa, pruriens, pruriens var sanjappae, sanjappae]
and Google Books |
Piper, C.V. and S.M. Tracy
1910. The Florida Velvet Bean and related plants.
U.S. Dept. Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Bull. 179.
[References Mucuna species: capitata, capitata var alba, capitata var nigra, keyensis, nigra, velutina,
and several species then placed in the genus Stizolobium,
e.g., aterrimum, capitatum, cinereum, deeringianum, hassjoo, niveum, pachylobium, utile, velutinum]
See also:
Biography of Charles Vancouver Piper (1867-1926): Extensively Annotated Bibliography and Sourcebook..
Mentions Mucuna pruriens pg. 132, 350, 366; M. utilis pg 366; the Florida Velvet Bean and Stizolobium pg. 103
See also: Bort, K.S. 1903.
Prain, D.
1897. Mucuna Adans. In: King, G., Materials for a flora of the Malayan peninsula. J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal. Part 2. Natural History 66(2):64-69.
J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 66(2); Part II. pp. 347-522.
 45.5 MB |
Prain, D.
1897. Some additional Leguminosae.
J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 66(2); Part II. pp. 347-522.
[Mucuna section only: introduction pp. 347-348 and Mucuna pp. 404-409; 2.1 MB]
[Contains a description of Mucuna and its use over Carpopogon, Citta, and Stizolobium].
[References Mucuna species: acuminata, atropurpurea, biplicata, bracteata, capitata, gigantea, imbricata, junghuhniana, macrocarpa, monosperma, pruriens]
 345 KB |
Ren, S. and M. Wilmot-Dear.
2010. Mucuna Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2-325, 579. 1763, nom. cons.
IN: Flora of China 10:207-218.
[OD: Mucuna hirtipetala; pg. 215.]
[References Mucuna species: atrocarpa, birdwoodiana, bodinieri, bracteata, bungoensis, calophylla, championii, capitata, castanea, cochinchinensis, cochinchiniensis, collettii, coriocarpa, corvina, cyclocarpa, deeringiana, esquirolii, ferruginea, ferruginea var bungoensis, ferruginea var irukanda, gigantea, hainanensis, hirtipetala, hongkongensis, incurvata, interrupta, iriomotensis, irukanda, japonica, lamellata, macrobotrys, macrocarpa, mairei, martini, membranacea, multilamellata, nigricans, nigricans var hainanensis, nigricans var hongkongensis, nivea, pruriens, prurita, revoluta, sempervirens, suberosa, tashiroi, terrens, utilis, wangii]
Amazon $$$ |
Ruiz, L.K
2009. Sinopsis de las especies Colombianas de Mucuna (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Phaseoleae).
IN: E. Forero (ed.), Estúdios en Leguminosas Colombianas II, pp. 387 – 417. Universidade Nacional Colombiana, Bogotá. Bibl. J.J. Triana 21:171-515.
[OD: Mucuna cuatrecasasii Hern. Cam. & C. Barbosa ex L. K. Ruiz.]
Amazon $$$
Sa, R. and Wilmot-Dear, C.M.
2010. Mucuna.
In: Wu, Z.Y., P.H. Raven and D.Y. Hong (Eds.) Flora of China, Vol. 10. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, pp.207-218.
[OD: Mucuna hirtipetala; M. incurvata.]
Schumann, K. and K. Lauterbach
1901. Die flora der deutschen Schutzgebiete in der Sudsee.
Gebruder Borntraeger, Leipzig.
[OD: Mucuna warburgii (see pg. 365).
References Mucuna species (pgs. 364-366): cyanosperma, gigantea, kraetkei, pruriens, novo-guineensis]
 410 KB |
Sousa, M. and T.M. Moura
2016. Mucuna chiapaneca (Leguminosae - Papilionoideae) a new species from Mexico.
Phytotaxa 246(3):198-202.
[OD: Mucuna chiapaneca.
References Mucuna species: argyrophylla, holtonii, jarocha, pruriens, sloanei]
 9.3 MB |
Swaroopsingh, G., L. Pramod, and G. Rajaram
2018. Mucuna yadaviana sp. nov. (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) from the Andaman Islands, India.
Phytotaxa 248(2):153-158.
[OD: Mucuna yadaviana.
References Mucuna species: atropurpurea, imbricata]
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Tateishi, Y. and H. Ohashi
1981. Eastern Asiatic Species of Mucuna (Leguminosae).
Botanical Magazine (Tokyo) 94:91-105.
[References Mucuna species: gigantea, macrocarpa, membranacea, nigricans, sempervirens, tashiroi]
[abstract: All the native taxa of Mucuna hitherto, known in Eastern Asia were reexamined and the following four species with one subspecies were recognized as distinct; M. macrocarpa, M. sempervirens, M. membranacea and M. gigantea with subsp. tashiroi. A new key for distinguishing these taxa and new circumscription for each species were prepared. Differences between M. membranacea and M. nigricans were clarified.]
Thothathri, K. and Ravikumar, S.
1997. A new variety of the tribal pulse, Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC., from the thekkady forest, Kerala.
Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 21:703-704.
[OD: Mucuna pruriens var thekkadiensis]
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Tozzi, A. M. G. A., K. Agostini and M. Sazima
2005. A new species of Mucuna Adans. (Leguminosae, Papilionidae, Phaseolae) from Southeastern Brazil,
with a key to Bazilian species.
Taxon 54(2):451-455.
[OD: Mucuna japira, p. 452. References Mucuna species: eriocarpa, huberi, japira, pluricostata, pruriens, rostrata, sloanei, urens]
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Tutcher, W.J.
1905. Descriptions of some new species, and notes on other Chinese plants.
J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 37(258):58-70.
[OD: Mucuna birdwoodiana, pgs. 65-66; References M. championi, pg. 65]
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Urban, I.
1908. Symbolae Antillanae seu Fundamenta Florae Indiae Occidentalis. Volumen V.
Symbolae Antillarum 5(3):1-555.
[OD: Mucuna fawcettii, p. 371-372. References Mucuna species: altissima, fawcettii, urens]
 3.34 MB |
Verdcourt, B.
1970. Studies in the Leguminosae-Papilionoideae for the 'Flora of Tropical East Africa': II.
Kew Bulletin 24(2):235-307.
Stat Nov.: glabrialata; Comb. Nov.: coriacea irritans, gigantea quadrialata, poggei var pesa, poggei var glabrescens
[References Mucuna species: coriacea, coriacea coriacea, melanocarpa, poggei, pruriens, rhynchosioides, stans.]
Verdcourt, B.
1971. Mucuna.
Pp. 561–571 in Flora of East Tropical Africa, Leguminosae (part 4) subfamily Papilionoideae 2.
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Verdcourt, B.
1978. Miscellaneous Notes on New Guinea Leguminosae: Archidendron and Mucuna.
Kew Bulletin 33(1):125-126.
[OD: Mucuna gigantea plurisemina, p. 126. References Mucuna species: gigantea, plurisemina]
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Verdcourt, B.
1978. New Taxa of Leguminosae from Papua New Guinea.
Kew Bulletin 32(2):455-473.
[OD: Mucuna hooglandii, p. 459. References Mucuna species:
albertisii, brachycarpa, canaliculata, cyanosparmae, gigantea, hooglandii,
lamii, novo-guineensis, pruriens, stanleyi]
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Verdcourt, B.
1979. A manual of New Guinea legumes.
Botany Bulletin (Papua New Guinea. Division of Botany); No. 11. Office of Forests, Division of Botany, Lae, Papua New Guinea; 645 pp.; Kristen Press Inc. Madang, PNG.
Abstract: This publication, No.11 in the Botany Bulletin series, is a flora of legumes in Papua New Guinea with keys to subfamilies, genera and spp. and many line drawings to aid identification.
Also included are a glossary of terms, a map showing the geographical regions of Papuasia and indexes of common and Latin names.
Additonal Abstract: A flora of the Leguminosae of both Papua New Guinea and Western New Guinea [Irian Jaya], including cultivated species, with notes on uses for food, forage, pasture improvement, timber and ornament.
There are 149 line drawings and a glossary of terms.
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Verdcourt, B.
1980. A Note on Mucuna schlechteri Harms (Leguminosae - Papilionoideae - Phaseoleae).
Kew Bulletin 34(3):521-525.
[References Mucuna species:
canaliculata, gigantea, lamii, lane-poolei, schlechteri, stanleyi]
 2.02 MB |
Verdcourt, B.
1980. New Taxa of Mucuna (Leguminosae-Phaseoleae) from East Africa and Australia.
Kew Bulletin 35(4):743-752.
[OD: Mucuna diabolica kenneallyi, M. ferox, M. reptans.
[References Mucuna species: diabolica, ferox, forbesii, kenneallyi, melanocarpa, pesa, poggei, pruriens, reptans]
 1.4 MB |
Verdcourt, B.
1993. An account if the genus Mucuna Adans. for the flora Zambesiaca area.
Kirkia 14(1):1-11.
[References "Mucuna species: cochinchinensis, coriacea, deeringiana, erecta, ferox, gigantea, glabrialata, homblei, irritans, longipedicellata, pesa, poggei, pruriens, rhynchosioides, rubro-aurantiaca, quadrialata, stans]
Verdcourt, B.
1997. A list of publications and new taxa described, (1936-1996).
2002. A list of publications and new taxa described : supplement 1 (1997-2001).
Wallich, N.
1830. Plantae Asiaticae Rariores: or, Descriptions and figures of a select number of unpublished East Indian plants. London.
Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1; 84 pages and plates 1-100.
[References Mucuna species: , gigantea, macrocarpa;
see page 41, and plate 47.]
Wallich, N.
1832. Plantae Asiaticae Rariores: or, Descriptions and figures of a select number of unpublished East Indian plants. London.
Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3; 117 pages and plates 201-300.
[OD: Mucuna anguina; see pages 19-20, and plate 236.]
Google Books |
Watt, G. [and E. Thurston and T.N. Mukharji]
1891. Dictionary of the Economic Products of India. Vol. 5 (of 6), Linum to Oyster.
London; W.H. Allen and Co. 676 pp.
[see pgs. 285-287]
[References "Mucuna species: cristata, monosperma, nivea, pruriens, utilis]
 1.45 MB |
Wilmot-Dear, C. M.
1984. A Revision of Mucuna (Leguminosae-Phaseoleae) in China and Japan.
Kew Bulletin 39(1):23-65+ii.
[OD: Mucuna lamellata, p. 53. References Mucuna species:
birdwoodiana, bodinieri, bracteata, calophylla, championii, gigantea, hainanensis,
hongkongensis, interrupta, macrobotrys, macrocarpa, membranacea, nigricans, pruriens, sempervirens, terrens, utilis]
 979 KB |
Wilmot-Dear, C. M.
1987. A Revision of Mucuna (Leguminosae : Phaseoleae) in the Indian Subcontinent and Burma.
Kew Bulletin 42(1):23-46.
[References Mucuna species:
anguina, atropurpurea, bracteata, capitata, collettii, corymbosa, cristata, cyclocarpae, exserta, gigantea,
hirsuta, imbricata,
macrocarpa, minima, monosperma, nigra, nigricans, nivea, pruriens vars hirsuta & pruriens & utilis, prurita, sempervirens]
 2.33 MB |
Wilmot-Dear, C. M.
1990. A Revision of Mucuna (Leguminosae-Phaseoleae) in the Pacific.
Kew Bulletin 45(1):1-35.
[OD: Mucuna subumbellata, M. sloanei var persericea;, p. 8; [glabra Reinecke, is raised to specific rank]
References Mucuna species: bennettii, brachycarpa, elegans, gigantea, glabra, miniata, mollissima, neocaledonica, novoguineensis,
platyphylla, pacifica, pruriens var utilis, stanleyi, sloanei var sloanei, subumbellata]
 418 KB |
Wilmot-Dear, C. M.
1991. Mucuna hainanensis Hayata subsp. multilamellata Wilmot-Dear --- A New Name for a Long-Known Taxon
(Leguminosae - Phaseoleae) and a Key to Related Species.
Kew Bulletin 46(2):205-212.
[OD: Mucuna hainanensis multilamellata. References Mucuna species:
atropurpurea, biplicata, championii, cyclocarpa, hainanensis,
imbricata, interrupta, lamellata, macrobotrys, membranacea, monosperma, multilamellata, revoluta, stenoplax]
 1.76 MB |
Wilmot-Dear, C. M.
1991. A Revision of Mucuna (Leguminosae-Phaseoleae) in the Philippines.
Kew Bulletin 46(2):213-251.
[OD: Mucuna diplax, M. pruriens sericophylla. References Mucuna species: acuminata, aurea, cochinchinensis, curranii, deeringiana, diplax,
foveolata, gigantea gigantea, gigantea plurisemina, hiananensis multilamellata, imbricata, longipedunculata, luzoniensis, lyonii, macmillanii,,
mindorensis, multilamellata, nigricans, nivea, pachycarpa, platyplekta, plurisemina, pruriens vars. pruriens & utilis & sericophylla, reticulata,
samarensis, stanleyi, sloanei, urens, utilis]
 107 KB |
Wilmot-Dear, C. M.
1991. Proposal to reject the name Citta nigricans Lour. (Fabaceae) and all names based on it.
Taxon 40(3):517-520.
References Mucuna species: bipicata, cordata, imbricata, interrupta, nigricans]
 1.96 MB |
Wilmot-Dear, C. M.
1992. A Revision of Mucuna (Leguminosae Phaseoleae) in Thailand, Indochina and the Malay Peninsula
Kew Bulletin 47(2):203-245.
[OD: Mucuna stenoplax, M. revoluta, M. thailandica. Placed in synonymy: Mucuna brevipes Craib.
References Mucuna species:
acuminata, biplicata, bracteata, collettii, gigantea, gracilipes, hainanensis, hirsuta, hongkongensis, interrupta,
lucidula, macrocarpa, monosperma, nigricans, pruriens, revoluta, stenoplax, suberosa, thailandica, utilis, warburgii
 444 KB |
Wilmot-Dear, C. M.
1993. A New Species of Mucuna (Leguminosae-Phaseoleae) from Thailand, and a revised Key to the Species in Thailand, Indochina and the Malay Peninsula.
Kew Bulletin 48(1):29-35.
[OD: Mucuna oligoplax. References Mucuna species:
acuminata, biplicata, birdwoodiana, bracteata, gigantea, gracilipes, hainanensis, interrupta,
macrocarpa, monosperma, oligoplax, pruriens var hirsuta & pruriens & utilis, revoluta, sempervirens, stenoplax, thailandica, warburgii]
 3.08 MB |
Wilmot-Dear, C. M.
2008. Mucuna Adans. (Leguminosae) in Thailand.
Thai Forest Bulletin (Bot) 36:114-139.
[References Mucuna species:
acuminata, biplicata, bispicata, bracteata, capitata, cochinchinensis, gigantea, gracilipes, hainanensis, hongkongensis, imbricata, interrupta, macrocarpa, monosperma,
multilamellata, nigricans, oligoplax, plurisemina, pruriens, pruriens var pruriens, pruriens var hirsuta, pruriens var utilis, revoluta, stenoplax,
thailandica, warburgii]
 352 KB |
Wilmot-Dear, C. M.
2009. Notes on Mucuna (Leguminosae Phaseoleae) in Thailand.
Kew Bulletin 64(3):579-580.
[References Mucuna species:
gigantea, hainanensis, interrupta, macrocarpa, monosperma, oligoplax, revoluta, stenoplax, thailandica]
 868 KB |
Wiriadinata, H. and H. Ohashi
1990. Four new species of Mucuna (Leguminosae) of the Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia.
Journal of Japanese Botany 65(4):97-108.
[[OD: Mucuna kawakabuti, M. kostermansii, M. schmutzii, M. sumbawaensis.
References Mucuna species: acuminata, albertisii, cyanosperma, diabolica, discolor, gigantea, lamii, macrocarpa, macropoda, macrophylla, pruriens, schmutzii]
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Wiriadinata, H., H. Ohashi, and F. Adema
2016. Notes on Malesian Fabaceae (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) 16. The genus Mucuna
Blumea 61:90–124.
[OD: Mucuna aimun, M. angustifolia, M. eurylamellata, M. havilandii, M. kabaenensis, M. sakapipei, M. verdcourtii; with M. papuana stat. nov & nom. nov.)
[References Mucuna species: aimun, angustifolia, diabolica, eurylamellata, havilandii, kabaenensis, novo-guineensis, pachycarpa, papuana, pruriens, sakapipei, verdcourtii; and MANY others listed throughout the paper!]
[abstract: The genus Mucuna is revised for the Flora Malesiana region. Several characters are discussed in some detail. The subdivision of the genus is discussed. We accept two subgenera: subg. Mucuna and subg. Stizolobium. Several groups of species showing similarity in some characters are discussed. A description of the genus is pre- sented, two keys to the species are given. The main part of the paper consists of an enumeration of the species including descriptions of new species: three by Adema (M. angustifolia, M. eurylamellata, M. kabaenensis) and four by Wiriadinata (M. aimun, M. havilandii, M. sakapipei, M. verdcourtii). Neotypes are designated for M. diabolica and M. novo-guineensis. Mucuna pachycarpa Parreno is validated. A subspecies of M. pruriens, subsp. novo-guineensis, is raised to species level as M. papuana. The paper ends with dubious and excluded species, references, a list of species and a list of names.]
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Woodson, R.E., R.W. Schery, J.D. Dwyer, W.G. D'Arcy, M.O. Dillon, P.S. White, M.E. Poston, P.R. Frantz,
D.R. Windler, L. McLaughlin, B.G. Schubert, R.H. Maxwell, D.B. Dunn, and J.A. Lackey
1980. Flora of Panama.
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 67(3):523-818.
[References Mucuna species: altissima, andreana, elliptica, holtonii, mutisiana, nigricans, pruriens, purita, rostrata, sloanei, urens, virgata]
 1.68 MB |
Zamora, N.A. and Moura, T.M.
2014. Mucuna tapantiana (Fabaceae: Faboideae: Phaseoleae), a new species from Costa Rica.
Kew Bulletin 69(1); article no. 9490.
[OD: Mucuna tapantiana. References Mucuna species: argyrophylla, holtonii, globulifera, mollis, monticola]